What is point zero?
How to communicate with your spirit?
How to self protect?

Steve Richards, the founder of Holographic Kinetics talks about it
in his i
nterview with Lisa M. Harrison on June 1st 2015, Conscious Consumer Network.


“If you need a protection you haven’t got it. When you understand how the universe works and its laws,  you don’t enter through your free will choice into games of others.”


“Every time you react to another, you are reacting to someone else’s reality. The moment you look at that take a big breath and say: I don’t need that anymore. And blow it off your timeline. Clear it. Come back to point zero and realize that you and your spirit can actually be as one.

Only in point zero can you move forward in time. While you are in action and reaction you are swinging in the pendulum back and forth and you cannot move forward in time. You are stuck in time.

While you are in action and reaction let go off the action, let go off the reaction, let go off other people’s realities. You don’t need to react to their realities. Stay in point zero.

At point zero you are the observer and you are observing the games for what they truly are. Games.

Allow the spirit to stop and awaken from its amnesia.
Remember who you are. And stay in that point zero. When you and your spirit align you are not going to react to other people’s realities any more. And when you align, listen to your spirit. Thank it every day that there’s something positive. Thank it. It will do things for you. It is not going to have a conversation.”


“Just acknowledge the spirit, tell it what you want and let go off it. Don’t have any attachment to it. As you do that you will find that at point zero you will be able to observe all the games around you taking place, but not entering those games or participate in them.”

– Steve Richards, founder of Holographic Kinetics

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