Some claim that what they love most about Reiki is that “it has no side effects and causes no harm”. As a former Reiki practitioner I can tell you that this is far away from the truth. Using Reiki as a form of alternative healing is not so great and innocent as I was led to believe.

Article last updated: Feb 2020

Reiki practitioners are taught certain symbols (which are actually summoning certain forces) and are led to believe that they need to open themselves and become a channel for ‘some powerful universal energy’ that resides outside them, and then direct this channel to their clients for healing purposes.

What happens during Reiki healing session?

When you receive the treatment of Reiki the cause for your ailment has not been addressed and it will come back again, in one form or another. You end up learning nothing from such a temporary healing, and you’re likely to spend more money on another temporary healing when the unaddressed cause manifests in another unwelcome form.

Symbols that are used in Reiki open inter-dimensional doors and if you are a Reiki practitioner you have been hooked into powerful forces that are now working through you and are having an access through you to your clients. And these forces have their own agenda. And no, it is not a healing one. Healing is ‘just a candy’ that you have been given in order to have let yourself to step into it.

Reiki is not without “side effects”.

Every time we make an agreement with something outside us, we give a part of our power away.

I’ve only had one Reiki session

In the recent years Reiki has become pretty popular and it has starter to be implanted even in hospitals and hospice care centres. You may not be a Reiki practitioner but there are hight chances that you have at some point received Reiki treatment. And yes, it may have been a very relaxing experience and it may have even helped you a lot. But be assured that, since you’ve made an agreement with your Reiki practitioner, during your session you have been hooked to certain outside forces that had the access to your practitioner.

So…  you’d like to heal your life and feel empowered?

If you want to become healthy, free and empowered, you need to start looking into therapies that empower you.

And no, I am not proposing you to go for an ayahuasca retreat or to take any psychotropic substance, no matter how natural they are. They fall in the same disempowering activities. It is much more complex topic to be explained and go into details here, but let me just say that everything we need is inside us.

The main point is: we either go within or we go without. More that we ‘bring in’ more disempowered we become. And more we are without.

The only way is to stop giving your power away and start using the strongest force that exists… your Spirit which resides in you. That very force that IS everything, that CREATES everything… the very same force that we seem to be programmed to ignore the most.

I’ve been initiated in Reiki… what now?

Every agreement or agreement of entrapment that you have made is valid for ever … until you decide to brake it..

Yes, during Reiki initiations you have made agreements with “outside forces” that have so conveniently (for them) fooled you to let them in. You might have even perceived them during your process, but was led to believe that, oh yes, it was really that beautiful angel wrapping their wings around you that you were feeling.

Well, what you have NOT been told was the truth about what was really happening during your initiation. The vast majority of Reiki practitioners that perform initiations are not aware of this (or they don’t want to be!), and some are. And even if they are, for some strange reason they still choose to perform them. My guess would be that they keep on with it because they must feel that they’ve had invested so much into their names and their businesses that are reluctant to tel the truth and be in risk of maybe loosing it all.

So…  what you need to do is to ‘go back in time’ and break those agreements on all levels and all dimensions, and take out the forces that got the access into your field.

Take control and transform your life

Maybe you are one of those individuals that no matter what prefers the truth. If so, you may very well be at the point that you have decided to take control, heal your issues, transform your life.

And for that you don’t need any initiation in Reiki. And you better stay away from Reiki sessions. This advice comes from someone that has received her first level of Reiki more than twenty years ago.

The Energy that Is an Creates everything is part of you, remember?
We humans seam to be very determined to search for answers outside ourselves. There’s always something better, there’s always something more powerful outside us.

Why don’t you just reach inside yourself and connect to what is already yours?
Yes, it is so simple as that.
Put your attention to your palms and start experimenting it.

By the way, it’s not just about your palms ;)



Get to the root of what is holding you back and let it go.
Start now!